Self-Portrait, 2018

Artist, writer, lecturer, teacher.  Author of "The Art of Looking at Art", released by Rowman & Littlefield publishers on October 4th, 2020. Creator of the  Six Hour Art Major Seminar, which has been taught at venues throughout the United States.

View my latest body of work here:

See a list of all my upcoming classes and lectures here:                   

Watch a sample lecture on France's Louis XIV, "The Sun King," here:

In my writing I need to be clear and comprehensible; consequently, in my artwork I prefer to be neither.

Each new body of work I produce has its own set of challenges. For example, while it was easy to come up with the subject material my earlier Surrealist-inspired work, which was based on dream imagery or spontaneous doodles, the issue was how to realize the images. For my series of abstracted Tarot cards, I needed to apply my own vision to a set of archetypal images and experiment with a variety of new materials.


My newest project, which I plan on pursuing for quite some time, is a series of small-scale abstracted male nudes simply titled “Men.” Most of the poses are taken from previously existing artworks, sometimes classical paintings by artists such as Jacques Louis David and other times by modern masters like Lucian Freud. In their original context, the figures range in attitude from banal to heroic; my aim is to reinterpret them in a way that reflects my own personal perspective or mindset.

I can be contacted at